An Ordinall IX: A Pharmacy for the Common Man (1592) by Christopher Schaeffer

giddiness makes an

ordinal arrogant!

vitriol is nothing

but copper and iron

subtly dissolved an

ens activum ordered

a bodily structure

and on top of that

secrets to mix polish,

glues, soaps, and tooth-

paste from white wine, broad-

winged ants, all kinds

of precious stones

I’m not sure who’s quite

wrong here but

when I commence to vomming

it’s not shows I vision

it isn’t shows

I don’t I haven’t don’t critique

I don’t have an opinion on it

my bile’s gone outside

I won’t watch the shows bro

my brain is scarcely mystical

but just confused about rhetoric

this project is predicated

on having no fun so

I instrumentalized silence

dour silence I cut

my friends off with potions


fleeing from the sight

of intelligent people laughing

and dancing.

Foreclosed from any coherent

politics because caught

sealed up in walls

tearing at my face and

colloquy. That is,

a lapse into liberalized quietude

ergo I should be made dead

please use history to do it

immediately folks pleased

with their faculties

to have fun with the

judgment of god,

pop music,

a gun to hold onto

with a bit and strong white teeth.

I’ll no longer harbor opinions.

A poor man’s treasury

equals medicines of

the watery sort.

Which is also called the art

of separation.

its something to smile at

while biting.

wild animals at large?

wild animals at large.

one thousand more jokes

opaque and like whirlwinds



Christopher Schaeffer is currently earning a PhD at Temple University. His recent work has appeared in The Volta, The Philadelphia Review of Books, A Literation, No Assholes, and elsewhere.
